2012 State of the Future

The 16th Annual Edition of “2012 State of the Future”, an overview of the global situation in terms of problems, solutions, and future prospects, is out. Jerome C. Glenn, CEO of The Millennium Project and co-author of the book, points out the controversy between better life, richness, better health, better education etc. on one side and high potential instability in about half of the world on the other. The new edition is available on CD, USB flash drive, and for download. The report includes research with numerous tables, graphs, and charts as well as extra chapters on on 15 Global Challenges, the State of the Future Index, changing stereotypes about women around the world over the past 50 years and projected next 50 years, future factors affecting cooperatives and businesses, and futures of ontologists.

Read more on: http://www.kurzweilai.net/2012-state-of-the-future