JKAU - Islamic Economics Journal uploaded

Islamic Economic Journal of King Abdulaziz Journal online: http://iei.kau.edu.sa/Pages-CVOL28.aspx

JKAU: Islamic Econ., Vol. 28 No. 1, 230 Pages (2015 A.D./1436 A.H.)
DOI: 10.4197/Islec. 28-1


- Islam?c Wealth Management in History and at Present
Murat Çizakça ............................................................................................. 3
- Loan Loss Provisioning in OIC Countries: Evidence from Conventional vs. Islamic Banks
Ali Ashraf, M. Kabir Hassan, and Syed Abul Basher .......................... ..... 23
Discussion Paper
Factors Influencing the Behavioral Intentions of Muslim Employees to Contribute to
Cash-Waqf Through Salary Deductions
Anwar Allah Pitchay, Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera and
Muhammad Yusuf Saleem …………………… ……….................. 63
Discussion Forum
- Severe Financial Crises and Fundamental Reforms: The Benefits of Risk-Sharing
Hossein Askari ....................................................................................... 101
- Why Economists (and Economies) Should Love Islamic Finance
Willem H. Buiter and Ebrahim Rahbari ................................................ 139
- Models of Islamic Banking: The Role of Debt and Equity Contracts
Mervyn K. Lewis ................................................................................... 163
- Some Implications of Debt versus Equity-Based Financing in the Backdrop of Financial Crises
Hayat Khan.............................................................................................. 179
- Severe Financial Crises and Fundamental Reforms: The Benefits of Risk-Sharing - A Comment
Anwar Shah ............................................................................................. 197
Book Review
Mohammad Hashim Kamali and Abdul Karim Abdullah (editors):
Islamic Finance: Issues in ?uk?k and Proposals for Reform
Reviewed by: Abdul Azim Islahi .......................................................... 207
Guidelines for Contributors .................................................................. 219
Cumulative Index for last Five Years ................................................... 230

Please C ontact Prof. Munawar Iqbal (editor in Chief) on munawariqbal@gmail.com for any matter relating to this issue. You may CC to kmalam@kau.edu.sa. Thank you.