According to the chairman of Boubyan Bank, the growth rate of Islamic finance in Kuwait is the double of the one of conventional banking. In his opinion, strong demand throughout the Arab region can be expected. The country's Islamic banks reached credit volumes of 11.1 billion Kuwaiti dinars ($39.3 billion) during the first nine months of the year. This is 13.2% more than during the same period last year. Conventional banks on the other hand registered a 5.6% credit growth. Since the demand for sharia-complaint banking is so high in Kuwait, Boubyan has no intention to expand overseas yet. This contrasts with Kuwait Finance House (KFH).
Kuwait Finance House (KFH) showed its support for the Diabetes Day by organizing activities through a small clinic at Baitok Tower. KFH employees and other visitors are permitted to conduct blood tests for diabetes. Also, awareness regarding the disease and means to prevent it is raised in this way. Thousands of patients and their families are targeted by the activities organized by KFH in support of the Diabetes Day. In addition, illuminating Baitok Tower in blue shows support to millions of patients worldwide.
Eman Al-Shemmari, the head of Nuclear Medicine Sections at the Ministry of Health, expressed his admiration for Kuwait Finance House (KFH) and its actions to sponsor the Nuclear Medicine International Week. The event took place under the auspices of the Minister of Health Ali Al-Obaidi and included a number of scientific lectures in the mentioned medical field. The lectures were held in several hospitals in Kuwait. According to Al-Shemmari, KFH is largely responsible for the success of the event and the enrichment of the medical cadres and public.
The new chairman of Kuwait Finance House (KFH) was introduced to the public. After the board's election, Mohammed Al Khudairi will take over the position of former chairman Sameer Al Nafeesi. The latter resigned earlier with the intention to engage in other activities.
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A KFH research shows that sukuk have had a significant impact on the infrastructure sector during the last decade. Proceeds raised from issuances have been utilized for low as well as for high profile projects. The combination of sukuk's very nature and its flexibility makes a variety of structures possible. Thus, Islamic bonds have become a very attractive alternative financial instrument for corporate and sovereign entities. A huge amount of the money raised through sukuk funds has been used in projects of the infrastructure sector worldwide.
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KFH conducted a study which states thath the global sukuk market has experiences a significant boost during the last six years. The growth of sukuk is as high as 28.3% which makes the total value of sukuk issuance worldwide during the first half of the current year USD 210.8 billion. It is expected that next year, 2013, will bring further rise in profit and expansion.
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Kuwait Finance House (KFH) has put an ent to talks about the potential sale of its stake in Al Salam (International) Hospital. As the largest investor in the hospital, KFH contributes to the stability, integrity and strength of the latter. Thus, Al Salam contrasts with other competitive hospitals which are of individual ownership. The end of discussions on KFS's side will not affect the bank's financial position.
According to a recent report by Kuwait Finance House (KFH), Islamic microfinance is a good solution for decreasing poverty. Since it is a combination of economic, social and religious principles, it uses two types of resources: external ones like Zakat and charity on one hand, and internal ones like deposits and equity. A number of institutions among which the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank are working on studying the viability of Islamic microfinance.
Jomana Al-Kandari, nutritionist at Amiri Hospital, was sponsored by Kuwait Finance House (KFH) to attend the first international conference for the nutrition of kidney patients in the USA. This sponsorship is part of KFH's initiative in support of healthcare and education. The knowledge and experience Jomana Al-Kandari gained during the conference shall contribute to the development of the medical services to a world-class level.
Kuwait Finance House is eager to offer its clients banking products that bond the value of saving, saving being a main factor in boosting the local economy.
The new account is a combination between the advantages of investment saving accounts and Islamic Takaful insurance. "Jameati Account" permits parents to aim a specific amount of money which will be saved within a predetermined period to finance the high educational expenses of their children. The monthly saving is invested and profits are added to the Jameati Account. When the child becomes 18 years the targeted saving amount plus the profits will be available and the parent and the child will decide the best university to follow higher education and this university could be in any part of the world.
According to the chairman of Kuwait Finance House in Turkey, Mr. Mohammed Al-Omar, the bank plans to go on with its pivotal role in the Turkish market, in addition to binding its strategy that is based on strengthening economic relations with neighboring countries, and with Kuwait and other GCC countries.
He added that the bank also wants to further offer Islamic products and instruments that can enlarge the horizon of Islamic banking in the Turkish economy, such as sukuk, murabaha, and ijarah. He underlined the fact that the bank presented products that never existed before in the Turkish market, such as the gold account and sukuk.
Three banks from UAE are among 10 largest Arab Islamic banks.
Saudi Arabia’s Al-Rajhi group remained at the same position as the world’s largest Islamic bank at the end of 2010 while four in the UAE were among the 10 top Shariah-compliant banks.
The Kuwait Finance House (KFH) was second by assets, which stood at $43.7 billion at the end of 2010 compared with $39 billion at the end of 2009.
Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) was ranked third, with assets of about $24.5 billion, followed by Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB), with around $20.5 billion.
The $100 million sukuk for the Building Materials Company has been successfully resolved and paid for in full on its maturity date on October 18.
The statement was given by the arrangers and lead managers, Kuwait Finance House (KFH), Liquidity Management Centre, Gulf International Bank, and Standard Bank.
Real Estate Department at Kuwait Finance House will participate in the real estate and investment expo organized by Top Expo Group at the Fair Ground. KFH will introduce its financing services for all kinds of real estate, such as residential, investment, commercial, and industrial for local real estate; in addition to financing real estate in most countries worldwide.
Furthermore, KFH presents clients the possibility to acquire real estate in Bahrain through Murabaha and Ijarah.
Reit UDR has acquired a 217-unit luxury apartment community in Arlington, Virginia - Twenty400 - for $84m in cash and debt. This explains its joint venture with Kuwait Finance House.
The deal contained $49.5m in interest-only debt from Fannie Mae, alongside equity contributions of $24.2m from KFH and $10.4m, under the 70:30 terms of the joint venture.
Sukuk launched last July worldwide amounted to about $5 billion, down 37 percent from the previous month. The statement came from Kuwait Finance House (KFH).
It appears that the value of sukuk issued in the first half of this year has amounted to some $47 billion, exceeding the record high reached last year of $45 billion.
Kuwait Finance House (KFH) stated in a report that sukuk (financl certificates) issuance last July worldwide amounted to aproximate USD five billion, down from the previous month by 37%, where the Saudi riyal formed about 15 percent of those sukuk.
Moreover, the report underlined the fact that sukuk market for companies in the GCC countries are continuosly expanding despite the fact that the issuance of two local versions from Saudi Arabia and an international sukuk from Qatar.
Kuwait Finance House (KFH) signed an agreement with Gulf Investment House (GIH) to restructure its debts that reach KD49.5m.
The agreement was supervised by Liquidity Management House (LMH). The collaborators of the agreement were: Boubyan Bank and Burgan Bank.
Mr Emad Al-Thaqeb stated that the agreement comes as part of a program to support local investment companies, which is supported by the Central Bank of Kuwait.
Kuwait Finance House will focus on the retail banking services in its future expansion plans with a view to increase its activities and revenues.
As KFH Chief Executive Officer Mohammad Al-Omar stated, KHF’s excellence in the retail banking market and possession of an effective market share, are based on several strength factors, such as the legitimate platform where all KFH’s products and services are launched, which prompts clients to trust the Islamic bank.
KFH achieved total revenues during First Quarter of this year. Net profit to shareholders reached KD22.6m.
Assets grasped KD12.753bn with an increase of KD1.1bn with 9% increase over the same period last year. Deposits extended to KD8.2bn with a KD1.05m increase and 15% increase over the same period last year.