Mr. Mahmood Hashem Al-Kooheji

KFH-Bahrain & Tamkeen launch SMEs Islamic finance programme

A strategic agreement aiming to provide financial means for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) was signed by Kuwait Finance House - Bahrain (KFH-Bahrain) and Tamkeen. The agreement says that companies in Bahrain will have access to low-cost Islamic financing solutions which will be provided by KFH-Bahrain. Tamkeen will be providing 50% subsidy in order to help these companies to obtain the necessary funds for their development. According to Mr. Mahmood Hashem Al-Kooheji, Chief Executive of Tamkeen, the Enterprise Financing Programme is crucial institutionalising the concept of SME lending in the country and it is also contributing to the expansion of the customer base of Tamkeen's partner banks in this programme.

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