Century Banking Corporation, qui opérait dans la finance islamique, fait l’objet d’une enquête de la Commission anticorruption. C’est avec effet immédiat que la Banque de Maurice a pris la décision de révoquer le permis de Century Banking Corporation qui opère dans la finance islamique. L’ancien Premier ministre malaisien Najib Razak a été reconnu coupable des sept chefs d’accusation dans le premier de plusieurs procès pour corruption de plusieurs millions de dollars. Il a été condamné à 12 ans de prison. Le CEO de l’établissement, Munir Lallmahamood a été interrogé dans les locaux de la Commission anticorruption par les hommes de Navin Beekarry le vendredi 4 septembre.
The International Islamic Liquidity Management Corporation (IILM) has announced on monday that Dr. Umar Aimhanosi Oseni is their new CEO. (IILM) is an international consortium that issues short-term Shariah-compliant financial instruments to facilitate cross-border liquidity management for institutions that offer Islamic financial services.
The 11th IFSB Annual Global Summit, themed "New Markets and Frontiers for Islamic Finance: Innovation and the Regulatory Perimeter", will be held in Mauritius. The session topics which reflect the importance of the Summit theme include: Global Overview of the Islamic Financial Services Industry (IFSI): Outlook and Policy Developments; Legal and Regulatory Environment of Islamic Finance; Sukuk, Market Development and Regulation, The Role of Islamic Finance in Economic Development: Promoting Financial Inclusion, Sustaining Innovation, Expanding the Regulatory Perimeter - Striking a Balance; Panel Discussion on "New and Emerging Islamic Finance Jurisdictions: Opportunities and Challenges Ahead. Global players and thought leaders from among the regulators and market players of the Islamic financial services industry have confirmed their participation.
The theme for this 2014 Summit is New Markets and Frontiers for Islamic Finance: Innovation and the Regulatory Perimeter.
Please refer to http://www.ifsb.org/preess_full.php?id=240&submit=more for the announcement of the 11th IFSB Summit.
For any queries regarding the Summit, please contact the secretariat:
- Participants' registration
Ms. Yazmin Aziz at yazmin@ifsb.org
Mrs. Ida Shafinaz Ab. Malek at ida.shafinaz@ifsb.org
- Sponsorship and Media
Ms. Rosmawatie Abdul Halim at rosmawatie@ifsb.org
The Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) is organising its first Seminar focusing on the Islamic financial services in Africa which will be held on 6 to 7 September in Mauritius, hosted by the Bank of Mauritius. This Seminar is targeted at regulatory authorities and financial institutions from African nations interested in developing or exploring Islamic Finance. Numerous experts of Islamic finance will participate. The IFSB is also organising a Pre Seminar Workshop on Introduction to Islamic Finance and the IFSB Standards on 5 September 2012, prior to the Seminar, which is open to all participants attending the Seminar. The Workshop aims to provide them with a better understanding of Islamic financial services and the IFSB activities.
The statement of Iqbal Belath, Deputy Governor, Bank of Mauritius, points out the fact that the bank has already given licences to two banks to launch Islamic banking services. The statement was given at the International Conference on Islamic Banking and Finance organised by AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics Pakistan in Mauritius.
The prpose of organising the conference was to promote Islamic banking in Mauritius and other African countries.
Mauritius' first fully-fledged Islamic bank launched operations on Thursday, as the Indian Ocean island seeks to become a regional Islamic banking hub.
Hesham Shokry is the chairman of Century Bank. He points out that its first two to three years would focus on wholesale banking and treasury and wealth management, which would comprise debt and equity capital markets and fund management.
The International Islamic Liquidity Management Corporation (IILM) is expected to issue the first Shariah-compliant financial instruments by year-end.
The minimum size of the instruments could be US$300 million depending on the market demand.
The IILM was established on October 2010 with 14 founding shareholders, comprising the 12 central banks of Indonesia, Iran, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia,Mauritius, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), as well as two multi-lateral institutions, the Islamic Development Bank and the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector.
Mauritius's first Islamic bank will be operational by the end of the first quarter of 2011.
Mauritius is seeking to tap into the $1 trillion Islamic finance industry, and the central bank also plans to offer sharia-compliant short-term liquidity tools.
Islamic Microfinance Network (IMFN) has been set up to assemble the international Islamic Microfinance organisations on one platform.
The IMFN head office is in Lahore and its regional offices will be in Ghana, Mauritius and Middle East.
The board members of IMFN are Farida Tariq, Chairperson, Amjad Saqib, Vice Chairman, and Muhammad Zubair Mughal, Chief Executive Officer.
To assemble international Islamic Microfinance organizations under one platform, Islamic Microfinance Network (IMFN) has been established in Lahore – Pakistan. The initial member countries of Islamic Microfinance Network are Iraq, Jordan, Yemen, Ghana, Mauritius and Kazakhstan.
The objective of this network is to provide best methodologies of Islamic microfinance, Shariah guidelines, and lasting relations and manpower to the industry.
HSBC launches its Amanah Islamic banking services in Mauritius, being the first Islamic window provider. The new services is primarily for international business clients in the offshore sector. Local clients may follow later.
Sandeep Uppal is the CEO of HSBC in Mauritius.